We Scroll, We Disconnect. It's Time to Buzz.
We live in a world saturated with feeds, a constant stream of updates that leave us feeling more isolated than ever. Buried under the avalanche of information, genuine connection withers. We scroll, we like, we comment, yet the emptiness remains.
Buzz is a call to arms. A social calendar app, yes, but with a revolutionary purpose: to reignite the joy of real-life connection.
We believe in the power of shared experiences, of laughter echoing through cafes, of conversations that flow uninterrupted by notifications.

Buzz is a tool to break free from the digital vortex and reconnect with the friends who truly matter.

Buzz goes beyond mere logistics. It fosters communities built on shared passions. Hiking enthusiasts? Foodies on a quest for the perfect croissant? Connect with like-minded individuals, expanding your social circle and enriching your life.

Forget the fear of missing out. Buzz champions the "Joy of Missing Out," freeing you from the pressure of a curated online life. See what your friends are truly up to, not just their carefully crafted digital personas. Experience the thrill of authentic connection, not the hollow echo of social validation.

Made in France with love 🇫🇷❤️